The 4 horses

The best ones have riders

Back two legs and pony tail is the human (Sabeekah) (barbie with legs and fishing rod and hook in Andys room)

Front two legs are the ponies

Head is also the ponies

The best ones have riders (extra two legs between the middle and back)

What page would you like in the book

Maybe choose a random one from the right

It says in Ynnari Ynnead only pick pages from the left

Then you can click on the links to turn to a different page (possibly deeper in the book)

How good and bad works

Ends in good

You do something bad it does something bad to their future (entitled person)

You do something good it does something good to their future (entitled person)

You do something medium (okay) it does somethings medium (okay) to their future (entitled person)

You do something both bad and good-1

You do something both bad and good-2



You blow something up you blow up

If theres too many divs it makes a div

If you do something bad its bad

If you do something good its good

Its a fair game

page 1 chapter 3

Common Errors on how good and bad/actions work

How actions (what to do) works on people and entitled?

Ends in evil

You do something bad it does something good to their future (entitled person)

You do something good it does something bad to their future (entitled person)

You do something medium (okay) it does somethings medium (okay) to their future (entitled person)

neither good nor bad-1 (Narnina)

neither good nor bad-2 (Nana)

medium-1 (Chaos revelations) (Chaos middleations/tyran petal mind) (fairity)


okay-1 (Bing/rabbits/Coco/Charlie)

okay-2 (Pikachu/Pikayachu)

slightly okay-1

slightly okay-2

slightly wrong-1 (Mans experiments on gorilla)

slightly wrong-2 (King Kongs experiments on man)

slightly wrong-4 King Kong goes wrong because he muddles up if it blows up it blows up

slightly wrong-6 King Kong goes entirely wrong because his logic is wrong

slightly wrong-8 King Kong doesnt understand that if you use too many divs it makes a div

slightly wrong-10 King Kong is the wrong way (goes stupider because it goes to a smaller brain/gorilla/chimpanzee)

slightly wrong-12 King Kong goes to animatrix (cellular) and smaller and smaller because he doesnt understand obvious things)

slightly wrong-14 King Kong doesnt understand his name (King Kong Wrong)

slightly right-1

slightly right-2

How Ong and Horus(John) work separately

How a box in a box works

Ong wakes up the halo players/ halo spartans and tells them they have an enormous bill to pay

Ryan tells humanity that they have an enormous bill to pay

Humanity must clean up their trading or else Ong wont be happy

Ong comes from solai?

They have working structures in the stars and are more advanced than humans and much stronger (krork equivalent of continued gorilla evolution)

How a box in a box works

First box is iron knights/ Horus John and halo

Second box is getting woken up to the fact that you have a massive halo bill

How drawing works when neither right nor wrong

Unfortunately man has sinned to the gorilla and the evolved gorilla wants the bill paid

Second box is the bill payment

Second box is humanity in cages with gorillas (Planet of the apes) (Planet of the Gorillas)



Straight-1 (walk straight)

Straight-2 (continuous walk straight)

See page 1 chapter 1

Walking in circles is walking straight

Walking straight is spinning in circles on deus machina tvs

Left circle-1 (continuous walk left circle)

Left circle-2

Left Square-1

Left Square-2

Left Triangle-1

Left Triangle-2

Left Cross-1

Left Cross-2

Left Roses-1

Left Roses-2 (Left Rose Says) (Left Roses say) (Petals say)


Rosey (Rosie)

Gloomy (Grim)

Plumey-1 (Flowers opening in sunlight)

Plumey-2 (Vile/Evil/Village)

Further Attempts

Evilutrix (Left to right) (Right)

Revilutrix (Right to Left) (Left)

Middleutrix-1 (clockwise/right to left)

Middleutrix-2 (ants/tangents/middle rearrangements of ants/insects/animals) (anticlockwise/left to right)

See page 1 chapter 1


All wrong because used by ossian engineers

Tangents to do with things you have and dont have in the house (tyran hive mind)


Jesus talks about tans (satan) sins (5 deadly sins) and coss (reasons why they are sins)

You need atleast two people to form an intersection

Tan (Jesus/Sa'tan/Sadland)

Sins (Jesus)

Coss (Jesus)

Run right to left on sins/coss(Jesus)


Use Sin and Cos intersections to form middle channel for Tyran Hive Mind

Further into tyran hive mind they do not use sin/cos/tan

Tyran hive mind uses numancy (car number plates)

How jail works

sand is more handicapped than rock

humans are more handicapped than drugs/pharmaceuticals

humans are more handicapped than their inventions (robots/ai)

fruit is more handicapped than humans because it has a shorter life (goes off very quickly)

if something that is handicapped breaks free from the jail then they deserve to go ahead

Petals deserve to be in charge of fairity and humans because they were more handicapped to start off with so there lives are worth more than humans

do not build another jail does not work

do not go to jail

avoid jail at all costs

fruit is above humans because alot of fruit died and was consumed by man and the fruit trees still figured out how to break from the jail

man deserves to capture the dog because man evolved higher intelligence

man deserves to be above the other animals

man deserves to be above insects

man is doing a better job for gaiacron than the other animals

Man deserves to lose to its ai computer invention (apple)

Fairity order

Cherry blossom tree





Fairity order

If you use a revemal you deserve to lose to man because man deserved to capture the animals

revemals are basically the features of the animals (god is sniffle) (eeb is hum dumb/dum)

Jail errors

dogs are more handicapped than their owners (humans)?

bee/eeb wants to go to yellow and black (jail)

bee/eeb wants to go to jail in a jail

bee/eeb wants to get free food/roof in jail

bee/eeb wants to build a jail in a jail (bee hive)

bee/eeb uses hum dum and falls for revemiddle (dim)

How colour works

The colours of the animal determine where it willl go

Green animals go to go

Red animals go to stop

Yellow/amber animals go to wait/get ready to go/get ready to stop

Yellow & black goes to jail

Red & white & blue goes to goal

Common food chain game errors

doesnt matter left or right/right or left

Dinosaur (Tyranid)

Dog (God)

Eel (Lee)

Bee (Eeb)

Common Human food chain game errors (hybrids/de-evolution)

Human + animal (gives human lower than other humans because handicapped)

Falls into common food chain game errors

Seb Lee/ Seb Eel

Sardya Najeeb/ Sardya Bee


Surprise Bible Endings (Lion King meets Zoo keepers)

God (Mufassa the dog not cat) has a son (Jesus/Simba the dog not cat)

One day simba will be king of the animals

Simba reigns the african planes for a couple of years

The zookeepers arrive in Africa and put all the animals in cages (Zoo)

Jesus did not take into account the Zoo and the cages

Man is above animals in the food chain

Surprise Bambi endings

Man captures animals from the wild

Breeds them and shoots them

Lilo and stitch (626 experiment)

Endangered mosquito

Common food chain game errors