If it says it it says it

If its obvious its obvious

If it says it it says it

if it loses it loses

If it wins it wins


if its got the same letters its the same thing

common error is to do reve (juxtaposing)

if its got the same letters its the same thing

If its in the middle (50/50) then its the hive mind (mid)

common error is to do reve (juxtaposing)

money doesnt matter because all tied to paper (tied to J.E.SU.S)

its to do with objects (objectives) (things in the past which create a problem in the future) (artefacts) (tamagotchi engines) (dark angel artefact on hom caliban)

if it loses it loses

Screw up pathway until deletion (E up)

common error is to do reve (juxtaposing)

if it wins it loses

if it loses it wins

if it says it doesnt mean it

if it it doesnt say it it means it

if its obvious its not obvious

if its not obvious its obvious

if it loses it loses

Example of if it loses it loses

Doing Age of Sigmar results in Heretek Sigmar

Doing Heretek Greek Letters results in losing

Doing Heretek Greek Gods results in even bigger losing

Doing Orion program loses

Doing Zeus program loses

Doing Artermis program loses

Doing Aphrodite program loses

Doing any Greek God program loses

Doing any god with clouds program loses Realm of Heaven loses

Realm of Heaven contains Jesus

Doing revemals does Heaven gates

Doing reveibans does Heaven gates

Doing revesect does Heaven gates

Doing revesh does Heaven gates

Jesus wants Heretek Omega (AI)

Jesus wants Heretek Sigmar (Heaven)

Jesus wants Heretek Greek Gods

Jesus took Heretek Greek God answers (associations) (same thing)

Jesus (Xereus) tries to hide Remoraid evolves into his evolution Octillery (Stakataka Genestealer Cultist)

Jesus (Xereus) tries to get rid of other people using his evolution pathway (Sardya Najeibs brother)

All Heretek Greek Letters are no good

Jesus wants Crown Cork and the emperor writes the Sensible Bible

Next game if it wins it wins