
Bible (Bibibibibibi/keys)



Have you even looked at your specs?

Spec 1 from going too big from a spec to another spec and then cant come back to the original spec where everything is

Spec 2 from your stats

You have blown yourself up too big

Blown up 1 by blowing up your Orion ship too big

Blown up 2 by actually blowing up your Orion ship

Lets just enjoy how far we've come

How  mid (tangents) work

Normal (left to right)

Reverse (right to left)

Mid-1 (chooses tangents can't choose a specific thing) right on odd (mid-1) chooses god (Sardya Najeib chooses long tangents Ben/David/Vapes)

Mid-2 (Can't choose tangents can choose a specific thing) left on even (mid-2) chooses left

Common mistakes after losing to mid-2 (chooses reve word)

Reverse chooses dim (no good)

IDm better than dim because dim a reveword

IDm used by tyran (tyranid) hive mind

IDm-1 (does rearrangements of the word and not as good as reverse) (done with id tags) (tyranid hive mind)

IDm-2 (does rearrangements of the word and not as good as reverse) (tyran hive mind)

To do with things you have and you don't have


Have not

To do with things you have and you don't have to form the correct tangent sequence (correct tangents) (not exodia forbidden ones)

Have-1 To do with things you have to form the correct tangent sequence (correct tangents) (to do with cr'tan so you can do something (passing information that deus machina already knew)

Have not-1 To do with things you don't have to form the correct tangent sequence (correct tangents) (to do with cr'tan so you can't do something) (passing information that deus machina already knew)

Have-2 To do with things you have to form the incorrect tangent sequence (incorrect tangents) (passing information thats useful to deus machina (deus machina didnt know it))

Have not-2 To do with things you don't have to form the incorrect tangent sequence (incorrect tangents) (passing information thats useful to deus machina (deus machina didnt know it))

Have-2/Have not-2 common thing is to stutter the deus machina with incorrect tangent sequences

tangents in six corners and then rotating the star to form a cube?


communication-1 inbetween deus machina and awoke (self) wondering what to do next and what the next middleation is


Common mistakes

Common mistakes after losing to mid-2

Reverse chooses dim (no good)

IDm-1 (does rearrangements of the word and not as good as reverse)

IDm-2 (does rearrangements of the word and not as good as reverse)

Overfocussing on tangents looking at words with reverse words (revewords) merged with tangents

Overlooking at 2 and 3 letter words in reverse with tangents

As-1 Sa'tan (sad) sa'tan

Cant-1 Tnac'tan (cry) cr'tan

As-1 Sa'tan the words as has limited letters for IDm-1 and IDm-2 mistakes because only two letters

The solution on As-1 is the end point on deus machina running and the starting point on the word As all these answers are found on Have-2 / Have not-2

Jesus does not take account for the mid point on as and deus machina

combine things from Mid-1 with have/have not things and can not decipher things in multiples because chooses tangents uses from lower knowledge so is a mistake

combine things from Mid-2 with have/have not things you have in one colour but not another colour? Uses from less lower knowledge so is a mistake but not as bad as Mid-1 mistake

communication attempt without deus machina and maintain knowledge of what to do when not in a dream and manage to do something for your self and for (deus machina) (could be too selfish)


communication-1 with deus machina (dream/half dream/ dream and then waking up after a short dream/awake to communicate with lower deus machina/red terror) (tune up your tunic and sell the bitmoji cards of people for red terror at the market)

communication-2 with deus machina (awake)

Common mistake is to ossilate between left to right and right to left?

You need to keep it more fixed in middleations stay tuned in on the middle (hive mind)

tangents in six corners and then rotating the star to form a cube?

Common question series (Revelation) (Couplets)

How to win

How to lose

How to draw

Draw-1 (tic tac toe)

Draw-2 (do a drawing)

Different mediums (types of drawing)

Medium-1 (draw pencil/paint acrylic/paint oil/draw with candy)

Medium-2 (draw a card from a set)

Different sets (types of sets)

Set-1 (complete sets/ incomplete sets)

Set-2 (different type of set (hive mind sets)

Different hives (types of hives)

Hive-1 (bee hive/petal hive of nectar/ petal hives moving)

Hive-2 (hi/hii/hiii/hiiii/hiiiii) (hihihihihihihihihihihihi) (bi/bii/biii/biiii/biiiii) (bibibibibibibibibibibi) (Sabe/Sabeekah)

Different letter i's (stems of two letter words to other words)

1 Vowel-i's (words/ 2 letters/ 3 letters / 4 letters / 5 letters / 6 letters)

2 Consonant-i's (words/ 2 letters/ 3 letters / 4 letters / 5 letters / 6 letters) (hike/bike/nike/like)

Couplet 1

1 keys

2 scales

Couplet 2 to 100 (endings)

Common question series (Middleation) (Tryads/Triads)

Other types of drawing

Infinity circuit made of tic tac toe


walking in circles is moving forward

walking in left circles is better than walking in right circles

always walk in left circles to move far forward in one direction

walking forward is spinning and never moving in a clear direction