How drawing (creativity) works


Win (left to right) (winning scenarios in naughts and crosses)

Lose (right to left) (losing scenarios in naughts and crosses)

Win (left to right) (winning scenarios in rings and roses) (draw-1)

Lose (right to left) (losing scenarios in rings and roses) (draw-1)

Win (left to right) (winning scenarios world/war of the animatrix) (draw-2)

Lose (right to left) (losing scenarios in world/war of the animatrix) (draw-2) (critical comedy of errors in the cartoon)

Itchy and scratchy/tom and jerry


Draw-1 (tic tac toe) (draw scenarios in naughts and crosses)

(yugioh cards pixelated and stuck together to make a big combine harvester/tractor)

Draw-1.5 (rings and roses instead of crosses) (draw scenarios in rings and roses)

Jesus doesnt like the garden of Eden because it uses roses instead of crosses
(Jesus says the petal hive mind is evil because it beats him by using roses instead of crosses)

Petal Hive Mind only thinks in mid (draw scenarios)/middle channel of sin and cos where they intersect

Draw-2 (draw a picture) (gadget builder in the world/war of the animatrix)

Dawn of the animatrix (different farmer gear/farmer maggot)

Web1 (World) (World of the Animatrix)

Web2 (Wide)

Web3 (Web) (top 100 websites centralised)

Web4 (Way) (safe routes around the animatrix?/happyland)

Web5 (Waagh) (Waaghporium)

Web6 (Who)





Other types of drawing

Draw-3 (play an animatrix in tic tac toe)

Draw-4 (collage a tractor) (sell tractors/combine harvesters for bowser against super mario)
(super vegetable/prince vegetable vs tortoise and princess fruit?) (bowser magic moji castles)

Win cartoons (super mario)

Lose cartoons (bowser)

Draw-1 cartoons (itchy and scratchy/tom and jerry/simba and kovu)

Draw-1.5 cartoons (finished frame says who wins?)

Draw-2 cartoons (illustrators pikachu/ cartoons that can draw)

(roadmaps for big cartoons and transportation systems) roadmaps for saurryons armour/ gorks armour

machine city 01 (Happyland) (ha'tan?)

Mister 1 to 50 (emotion 1 to 50) feeling

Missus 1 to 50 (emotion 1 to 50) causing

Yellows Simpsons (men)

Yellows Simpsons (women)



Red/Orange/Yellow/Green/Blue/Indigo/Violet Simpletons

Red/Orange/Yellow/Green/Blue/Indigo/Violet Gadgets

Duggee (dugtrio/diglett)

Red bus

Orange pumpkin

Yellow banana

Green dinosaur




Exodia the permitted ones (allowed tangents)

machine city 01 (Happyland) (Ha'tan)

machine city 02 (Joyland) (Jo'tan)

machine city 03 (Gratitudeland) (Gr'tan)

machine city 04 (Serenityland) (Se'tan)

machine city 05 (Interestland) (In'tan)

machine city 06 (Hopeland) (Ho'tan)

machine city 07 (Prideland) (Pr'tan)

machine city 08 (Amusementland) (Am'tan)

machine city 09 (Inspirationland) (In'tan)

machine city 010 (Aewland/loveland) (Ae'tan/Lo'tan)

Exodia the forbidden ones (disallowed tangents)

machine city 10 (Sadland) (Sa'tan)

machine city 20 (Angerland) (An'tan)

machine city 30 (Fearland) (Fe'tan)

machine city 40 (Guiltland) (Gu'tan)

machine city 50 (Anxietyland) (An'tan)

machine city 60 (Shameland) (Sh'tan)

machine city 70 (Disgustland) (Di'tan)

machine city 80 (Disappointmentland) (Di'tan)

machine city 90 (Lonelyland) (Lo'tan)

machine city 100 (Jealousland) (Je'tan)

10 emotions necron employees must not have (forbidden ones)

10 emotions necron employees must have (permitted ones)

necron employees (cartoons) create pixelated images (must not end in forbidden tangents only allowed tangents)

Middle (exodia/necrons? between forbidden and permitted)

exodia/necrons live these emotions in the oasis? To learn very quickly

necron 01 (hate)

necron 02) (jealousy)

necron 03 (grim)

necron 04 (shithead)

necron 05 (inhibited)

necron 06 (hopeless)

necron 07 (prick)

necron 08 (angry)

necron 09 (idiot)

necron 010 (lowlife)

necron 011 (dick)

Common errors

Do it by association (grass) (grass is not as rare as petal hive mind) (grass is not as rare as pets)

Crosses made out of blades of grass

Less errors

Do it by petals (daisy chains/ rings and roses/ the roses says something)

Crosses made out of roses (row says) (hive mind row says) (hive mind of fairity answers)

Pet computer (goldfish) (simba/dog) (snake) (budgie) (hamsters) (BB-1) (BB-8) (Guinea Pigs) (Frogs) (Maggots) (Flies) (Horses)

Babe (Pig)

Pig might have died because its been turned to ham for warhammer

Pet Ai vs Association Ai

Pet Ai wins

Pig Jedi


petals have a short life so their life is worth more than fruples/ vegples (frruity/veegie)?